gala information
Gala Information for Parents and Swimmers
Please ensure your swimmer is at the venue and on poolside in time: it is important for the Head Coach and team manager to ensure all swimmers are accounted for in plenty of time to submit the relevant paperwork to the meet organiser and warm up appropriately in the limited time available.
All swimmers must stay poolside until dismissed by a coach; if any swimmer needs to leave early for whatever reason then the parents must approach a Club representative to inform them in advance and prior to the start of any gala.
Any swimmer that has finished their designated races may still be asked to swim in place of another swimmer and will need to be ready to do so.
No electronic devices, including mobile phones, are allowed on poolside as per venue rules; the swimmers will be actively encouraged to cheer on their team mates and prepare for their next race.
Please keep snacks and drinks to a minimum, we recommend a small bag of jellies (eg Haribo or similar) and a bottle of water; marshals and team managers will ensure that swimmers stay hydrated.